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Resurgence | Erin Kehler

Resilience has definitely been a constant theme throughout my life. As someone who has a lot of creative ambition, yet lacks the continuing motivation, I have picked up many artistic endeavors over the years without really devoting much serious energy to. Photography was a hobby that quickly developed into one of these short winded interests. I would work with ardor, holding a strong passion and drive that had me devoting my personal time to learning new techniques, exploring different camera settings, and pulling friends along to pose and be a part of my creative medium. But like many other projects, the initial spark of motivation would find itself trailing off into something new that would hold a firm grip on my mind.

This past April, I had a friend reach out to me regarding some of my photos that I had posted on Instagram. She had just started school to build her skill as a makeup artist in Vancouver, and was looking for a photographer for an upcoming shoot. Out of nowhere, that initial drive and eagerness came flooding back, and I was once again struck with excitement and motivation to keep this hobby going. On the drive over, my friend opened up about her own creative journey, expressing that she had attempted makeup school before, but had also quickly become disheartened and stopped pursuing it. We were both riding the same wave that began at full height, but quickly crashed when hit with a wall of unenthusiasm.

This photo brings together a combination of both of our falling outs and resurgence. Despite losing interest and passion for creative outlets that now play key roles in who we are, we both found a way within each other to bring it out and rekindle our love for creativity. Resurgence is a piece that incorporates both our talents, and also portrays our swaying inner monologues of doubt, disheartenment, and disinterest that go hand-in-hand with creativity. Resilience is only felt when we find ourselves drifting or kicked away, but though these are difficult, it can unfold into such stunning renditions of the soul.

Model: Genoa Bramhall


Instagram: @erin.kehler

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